Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My maths game

This is a maths board game I made for my math badge I have completed 3 out
Of 6 it has question cards and it is a times tables board game

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Hi my name is Liam I have made a poster for the twilight fair the poster has
all the flavours for the lip balm the flavours are mango black raspberry
bubble gum water melen it is on Thursday from 5pm-7pm the prose mite be
5$ or 4$

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Last night i woke up and then i saw a bright light from a far away light house. It created a shadow in
my room. "aaaaaaaaa its a murderer help me", I cried then I ran to a haunted house. I could not find my own house. I heard a bang and asked, "Who's there?"
"Aaaaaa, it is Slender Man!" I called out, then ran to the main entrance then to Slender Man's bedroom. There were spiders everywhere, his house was fancy but he lived in a disgusting way, there were even rats in his toilet. I thought to myself, "Who is this man?"
I had better get out.......

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Windy Tuesday

Last Tuesday the 10 September Canterbury was punished by a brutal storm.
From 8pm until early on the second day.Local resident Liam recalls that evening it was sooooooooooo scary I was under my planket.Therewhere
trees every where.and the boxing ring was damaged in burnham military

Monday, 2 September 2013


Cultural festival

Last night at the CBS arena the junior boys were wearing black shorts
with no shirts. the senior was wearing piu pius first we sang along then we did a haka when the girls did their haka we mashed up the haka with the
song. My favourite part was our senior haka because the boys showed anger and strength.

Cultural fest

Yesterday night, we performed at the CBS Arena. Senior boys were wearing piu pius and junior boys were wearing shorts.

We watched ather schools and even people from the cook Island. I felt nervous at the time, over two thasand people were there

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Emperor's Clothes Technology Challenge

Task: Design two jackets, a skirt and a pair of pants out of newspaper and tape. Every group member must wear an item.

YouTube Video

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Monday, 8 July 2013


I was walking down a street and I saw a zombie Aaaaaaaa help me .The rusty gate creaked as I ran through the gate but then I saw a sword I dived for the sword I just missed it and now the zombie has it I ran for my life help.
I ran to my high school help aaaaaaa the zombie killed me with the sword.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


One day I went on the slide at my old school in fielding I jumed on the slide
BAM ouch a person jumped on my head I flipped over ohohohoh help wheres. My dad and mum suddenly the pain in my arm was intense so when we got the hospital they put a white cast on me and at last a couple days latter I got my new green cast when we got home I had popcorn and a movie
Monsters vs aliens
By Liam

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


The best thing at camp was rock climbing. We went to Blue Skies and abseiling down a massive wall. I felt scared but I made it down. We had to wear a white helmet and the instructors had red helmets and we had to wear safety harnesses.  When we were at the top we had to stay behind the red line. Nasi went over the red line and jumped over the stairs which was silly.

At Blue Skies there was a pond which was part of the obstacle course, there were like ten goldfish and one black fish. There were wooden poles and we had to jump on them. Nasi, Ethan, Te Ao and I jumped in the water to try and catch the fish. The bottom of the pond was slimy and there was seaweed and other slimy stuff.

I loved playing spotlight at night. Ethan and I were together and we were lying on the ground wearing green so no one could see us.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Swimming Self Assessment

I have coloured the parts of the seahorse that show my swimming skills. Miss Sheppard has put a sticker on my next swimming goal.

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Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Dark, Dark Castle

The smell of blood dripping from the wall. I smelled dusty windows as i wallked., and i heard
creaky noises coming from the window. I saw a Big shadow on the wall and it was a.........
puppy in the castle.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Goal Setting Term 1

My literacy goal is to get better at spelling.
I will complete my spelling homework.

My numeracy goal is to memorise my 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
I will repeat my times tables, play times table games on my blog and ask someone at home to test me.

My third goal is to be organised.
I will take my homework home and do it and make sure my desk is tidy and organised.

Retelling a story for Guided Reading

My Spider

YouTube Video

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Thursday, 7 February 2013