Wednesday 3 April 2013


The best thing at camp was rock climbing. We went to Blue Skies and abseiling down a massive wall. I felt scared but I made it down. We had to wear a white helmet and the instructors had red helmets and we had to wear safety harnesses.  When we were at the top we had to stay behind the red line. Nasi went over the red line and jumped over the stairs which was silly.

At Blue Skies there was a pond which was part of the obstacle course, there were like ten goldfish and one black fish. There were wooden poles and we had to jump on them. Nasi, Ethan, Te Ao and I jumped in the water to try and catch the fish. The bottom of the pond was slimy and there was seaweed and other slimy stuff.

I loved playing spotlight at night. Ethan and I were together and we were lying on the ground wearing green so no one could see us.